UKCPI to support hygiene conference organised by RSPH and IFH
Posted by Charlotte Salter, on December 17, 2015.
UKCPI is supporting a one day conference from RSPH and The International Scientific Forum of Home Hygiene on 11 February 2016 in London. The event, entitled “Are we too ‘clean’? Reframing the hygiene hypothesis“, will explore new evidence about the nature of the link between microbial exposure and allergies, and will focus on what industry, […]
UKCPI annual review 2015 released
Posted by Charlotte Salter, on December 16, 2015.
UKCPI’s annual review, covering the association’s work and major industry issues over the last year, has been published and can be found here. Gemma Cleland, UKCPI’s new chair and Executive Director Homecare at Unilever, said: “Please read this annual review as it serves to remind us of the numerous challenges addressed in the past 12 months […]
New chair elected at UKCPI AGM
Posted by Charlotte Salter, on December 15, 2015.
Gemma Cleland, Executive Director Homecare, Unilever was elected chair of UKCPI’s Council at UKCPI’s AGM on 25th November. She will be supported by vice chairs Bruce Maxwell of Dri-Pak and Ian Lamb of Ecolab, representing the interests of SMEs and professional cleaning & hygiene, respectively. Philip Malpass, Director General of UKCPI said “We are delighted […]
Newcastle campaign launched to prevent child poisonings from cleaning products
Posted by Charlotte Salter, on September 22, 2015.
Families across Newcastle are being targeted in a scheme to prevent child poisonings and eye injuries from household cleaning products. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) launches its Take action today, put them away campaign, funded by the UK Cleaning Products Industry Association (UKCPI), at Newcastle’s Victoria Infirmary tomorrow (Wednesday, September 23). RoSPA is […]
British public positive about chemistry
Posted by Charlotte Salter, on August 6, 2015.
Findings from the Royal Society of Chemistry’s research show public attitudes to chemistry in the UK are positive. Good news The first study of its kind reveals that, overall, people in the UK are positive about chemistry’s impact on society. For example, 60% of the UK public agreed that “everything is made of chemicals” and […]
News | Nottingham campaign to cut cleaning product injuries
Posted by Charlotte Salter, on June 30, 2015.
Nottingham families are being urged to take action to protect their children from the risks of household cleaning products in a new initiative. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) campaign Take action today, put them away, funded by the UK Cleaning Products Industry Association (UKCPI), is being launched today, Tuesday, June 30, at […]
Cleaning product labels change, products remain safe!
Posted by Charlotte Salter, on June 4, 2015.
From 1st June 2015 cleaning products for sale in Europe may carry new labels, statements and pictograms. Product labels and their related safety sentences may change, yet all products remain safe if used as intended. Product labels may feature new pictograms, signal words, hazard and precautionary statements and supplemental information. The design changes of pictograms are […]
Cleaning’s important role in allergy control
Posted by Charlotte Salter, on May 5, 2015.
Cleaning helps control asthma and allergy symptoms People with allergies and asthma suffer periodic attacks which can be triggered by variety of different things – from pollen to pets and house dust mites to mould. As well as using medication to control symptoms, they often find that controlling the triggers is a way of avoiding […]
Campaign to protect children from cleaning product injuries in the home comes to Norfolk
Posted by Charlotte Salter, on February 4, 2015.
Parents with toddlers across Norfolk are being urged to take action today to protect their children from the risks of household cleaning products in a new far-reaching campaign to reduce the number of accidental child poisonings. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is expanding its Take action today, put them away educational campaign into Norfolk – a scheme funded […]
Parents of young children urged to take greater care of cleaning products in Bradford
Posted by Charlotte Salter, on January 28, 2015.
Families with toddlers across Bradford are being encouraged to take greater care of household cleaning products in a new campaign being launched today by The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) and The UK Cleaning Products Association (UKCPI). The campaign is being backed by Bradford Council’s Public Health department. It asks parents to Take action today, put […]