Take Action Today, Put Them Away home safety campaign
The Take Action Today, Put Them Away home safety campaign helps families learn how to use and store cleaning products safely, to prevent accidents at home. It is funded by the UK Cleaning Products Industry Association (UKCPI), and delivered together with the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA).

The scheme features local launches, targeted to areas with high incident rates, where a handy magnetic notepad featuring key safety advice is handed out to families by health visitors and children’s centre staff. Other tools include a briefing pack, checklists and factsheets.
So far, the campaign has reached over 40 areas of the UK, including Birmingham, Liverpool, King’s Lynn, Nottingham, Newcastle, Bradford, Lincolnshire, Warwickshire and Northern Ireland, where over 700,000 families have been helped to prevent poisoning and eye injuries.
Take Action Today, Put Them Away advice to parents includes:
• Store household cleaning products out of reach of children, preferably in a locked cupboard
• Always store chemicals in their original containers
• Never pierce or break laundry capsules or tablets
• Always close the lid of any product
• In the event of an incident, follow advice on the product pack and seek medical attention.
More details
You can find more details on the RoSPA website and in the RoSPA report on Take Action Today, Put Them Away, November 2018: Powerpoint Presentation and 2024 presentation: