UKCPI urges safe storage of household chemicals in the home and residential care

Posted by Charlotte Salter, on August 19, 2024.

Following the tragic death of dementia sufferer Elizabeth Van Der Drift, UKCPI has issued the following statement:

Philip Malpass, Director General at the UKCPI, said: “We are saddened by the news of this tragic accident and its circumstances. We believe that this should reinforce the critical role that carers and care organisations have in ensuring the safe storage of household chemicals be it in the home, residential care or care home.

Liquid laundry detergent capsules are safe when used as intended. Like any other household cleaning products, laundry capsules need to be stored in a secure place where vulnerable individuals cannot easily access them.

UKCPI members have taken significant steps to prevent accidental access to and ingestion of liquid laundry detergent capsules. This has been by both voluntary measures as well as legislation. Through product design such as opaque packaging with harder-to-open closures, bittering agent incorporated in the capsule film, communication and education through a range of media including broadcast adverts, consumer campaigns in the home such as “Keep Caps from Kids” and “Take Action Today” – all of which promote the importance of safe use and storage.

These efforts have led to a significant reduction in the rate of accidents related to liquid laundry detergent capsules. 

We will be responding to the coroner’s report and will remain particularly alert to potential issues of misuse and accidental exposure by vulnerable populations in order to continue to reduce incidents in the UK.”


UKCPI is the leading trade association representing UK producers of cleaning and hygiene products and provides expert and balanced information about cleaning and hygiene in the home and in the workplace. Find out more at

Contact the UKCPI on or call 07843 199397.