Keep Cleaning Products Safe

Keep detergent capsules away from children

Detergent gel capsules are used every week by millions of consumers. They are practical, convenient, sustainable and safe when used as intended.gel tabs

Keep Cleaning Products Safe. Keep them out of reach of children

As with any other household cleaning product, parents have a vital role in ensuring that gel capsules are kept away from children, both when they are in use and when storing the pack.

UKCPI is working with The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) and is providing information to families across the UK to help families keep cleaning products out of reach of children, including the following tips:

  • Store household cleaning products out of reach, a secure cupboard is best
  • Look out for and follow safety instructions
  • Always store chemicals in original containers
  • Never pierce or break laundry capsules or tablets
  • Always close the lid of any product
  • In the event of an incident, follow advice on the product pack and seek medical attention

Information on the “Keep Caps from Kids” communication campaign for liquid laundry detergent capsules can be found here.

To help increase awareness of the safe use of these products, companies are taking extra steps to highlight procedures for safe use, in particular specific information provided on pack. More information on the product stewardship programme for liquid laundry detergent gel capsules is available here.


Contact us for more information on how to Keep Cleaning Products Safe.

Contact the UKCPI on or call 07843 199397.