Posted by Charlotte Salter, on October 11, 2013.
A.I.S.E. is delighted to confirm the geographical scope of the “I prefer 30°” low temperature campaign. The five countries where this unique campaign to promote the benefits of low temperature washing will include: Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy and the UK. Consumers there will be able to view it during the period January-October 2014.
The scope of the campaign could be firmed up thanks to upfront commitment of the following detergent companies, “Core Campaign Leaders”, COOP Denmark, Henkel, McBride, Nopa Nordic, Procter & Gamble, Unilever and Vandeputte. To enable more detergent companies to join as “Core Campaign Leaders”, A.I.S.E. has agreed to extend the deadline until 15 December 2013.
Whilst being led by the detergent industry, the novelty of the “I prefer 30°” campaign is that it is also opened to retailers, appliance manufacturers, fashion manufacturers/retailers, authorities, NGOs and other corporate supporters making it a unique multi-stakeholder movement. Those partners are being granted free access* to the campaign toolkit in order to communicate the campaign messages to consumers during the same timing period. A.I.S.E. is very glad to already count a great number of partners including:
- “Gold partners”: C.L.A.S.S., WEAR and the Danish Fashion Institute
- “Institutional partners”: AMFEP and Global Action Plan
- “Corporate supporter”: Dupont
Full details of the geographical scope covered by each of these companies/organisations can be downloaded at
Interested companies and organisations are invited to join the scheme through the campaign portal until March 2014 at the latest, but the sooner partners are on board, the better they will be able to prepare themselves to use the toolkit on their communication channels.
*Details of partnership possibilities are available at